Like millions of other Ukrainians, in the early weeks of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Nataliia (not her real name) was forced from her home. But Nataliia didn't just leave her home and relatives behind, she also surrendered her profession, giving up her job of 20 years as a teacher. Now she spends her time giving online classes to hundreds of her former students. The risks for her, and her remote class, are huge.
This is how Ukrainian children are educated in territories occupied by Russia. They are taught that Ukraine isn't a real country - and Nataliia says, if a child challenges the curriculum, their parents are threatened with beatings or torture. It's why Nataliia, with her former colleagues, created an online teaching platform to try to "save the minds of Ukrainian children". Hundreds of families have taken up Nataliia's offer to teach the Ukrainian curriculum - and numbers are growing. The longer Russia occupies Melitopol, the greater the risk children living there will be indoctrinated. Please for these teachers as they take the risk to educate Ukrainian children. Pray for protection of the families who want their children to be taught by these teachers. Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team Comments are closed.
May 2024