Ira Kapitonova
My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being! Psalm 108:1 It's February again. Many of us will relive many flashbacks this month, our memory triggered by familiar settings and dates. I wish we could skip it. However, it's not just limited to February. The triggering reminders and conversations are all around us. If you have kids, ask them an ordinary question. Ask them to tell you of a time they were afraid. A few of my students chose to talk about being afraid of the war and explosions. And they would have shared this same story, February or not. While we go through our emotional struggles, our army is steadily working on eliminating the Russian threat. For example, today, they destroyed a Russian missile boat, bringing us one step closer to our long-awaited victory. Two years now, let’s pray for a good and just end to this war. Pray for the salvation of these two countries and the end of the destruction of young men. Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team Comments are closed.
May 2024