Ywam Kyiv
Gayla is 70 years old. (Photos below). Her life turned out in such a way that she lost one son, and after a while her second son was found dead in the forest. The loss of her children left a deep pain in her heart. She and her husband experienced this grief together and were each other’s support. But after the loss of two children, death also took her husband, and she was left alone. Every day Galya prays to God, seeking consolation in her soul. Her life became very lonely and empty. With age, health problems came into Galya's life, and she stopped moving freely and constantly needed medicine and a stick. It's freezing in Ukraine now. Galya, in order to keep the house warm, she began to dismantle her furniture so as not to freeze from the frost. This looks very disheartening and thinking about this situation in her life, it becomes very painful for the lives of such people. Our Ywam team went to visit Galya and were able to meet her personally, hear her life story and bring her food. Today God did a great miracle for Galya. A truck of firewood arrived at her house. She could not believe this miracle and cried with joy and thanked God and the kind people who helped her. Taking part in the lives of widows and supporting lonely people, the team see many tears of gratitude to God for the fact that He did not abandon them in their grief and pain, but came as an answer to their prayers. Please pray for the teams who go to high risk areas to bring supplies to the elderly. And hope that is found in Christ! This story can be multiplied hundreds of times. Do pray for these faithful workers. Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team Comments are closed.
May 2024