Ira Kapitonova
We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4 Subjectively, this was one of the worst missile attacks. It was preceded with a-few-hours-long drone attack late into the night. I woke up around 6:45 am from the sounds of planes and missiles whizzing over our house (we're still in the village). I checked the news to find out reports of multiple explosions in Kyiv and Kharkiv, with more missiles being expected. Then, they started launching Kinzhals, hypersonic air-launched ballistic missiles, which have been an almost impossible target for our air defense. More reports of explosions and debris falling in Kyiv. I started checking on my friends and relatives. My Facebook feed was filled with desperate prayer requests. My only prayer was, "God, shield our land with Your hand!" A few hours later, we got the official release. Our air-defense forces took down 59 out of 70 cruise missiles, yet it intercepted all (!) Kinzhal (10/10) and Kalibr (3/3) missiles. They say it was the most severe and complex attack the world has ever seen. And the precision of our air defense is unheard of! It is a true miracle of God's mercy! I don't know how to talk about the rest of the news properly. On the one hand, destruction in Kyiv alone is massive – apartment buildings, stores, residential quarters. They also targeted residential areas in Kharkiv, and it's devastating. At the same time, there are reports of drones and missiles that fell without exploding. And they say the number of casualties is five people, which is still tragic yet miraculous for an attack of this scale. It looks like one of the missiles fell on Russian territory, wiping out almost a whole street in a village in the Voronezh region and killing seven people. Isn't it insane that Russia inflicted more death on its own people with one missile than over 80 missiles intended for Ukraine?! At the same time, I know at least a dozen of my friends and relatives who spent this morning sheltering in their basements and hallways, shaking from panic attacks, unable to steady their bodies. I know I was feeling somewhat similar, even though I was miles away from the "action." No one will keep a record of the trauma inflicted on the people of Ukraine, and we'll often be caught off-guard by our nationwide PTSD. The UN report said Russia has killed at least 90 civilians in missile attacks since December 29, which means only in 5 days. Their terrorist attacks are aimed at civilians, yet they still fail to understand the nature of Ukrainians. Can we begin this new year with greater resolve to pray for Ukraine for Russia for peace, for change, for the defeat of evil. Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team If you would like to donate go to Comments are closed.
May 2024