Most of you who have been receiving this prayer letter will recognize the name Ira Kapitonova. Ira is a friend of and translator at YWAM Kyiv. She has a wonderful gift of sharing her soul, a very Slavic gift. We have been using her writings as she has shared them from the first day of the war. So many have written that she should write a book. Well, good news!
Dear friends, It's time to reveal some big and exciting news! About a year ago, I received a message from my good friend Mike Picconatto (who used to be my pastor when I was an exchange student in the US). The ministry he's working with, Envision Berlin, offered to publish my wartime Facebook posts as a book. Back then, when Ukraine entered its first blackout days, it sounded like an incredible and impossible endeavor. However, thanks to the hard work of the Envision Berlin team, this dream is coming true! The book is almost done. They are finishing the layout and design, but there is something we need your help with! Envision Berlin has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for printing expenses. Find the link in the comments below, and let me know if you have any questions! P.S. It is still a work in progress (even though it's in its final stage), so the picture below shows what the book will look like, but it is not the actual book. P.P.S. Please, feel free to share Please pray for this project and help to make it happen. This is a wonderful chronical of the war and shares what the media and news often miss. Thank you, Ira for your sacrificial efforts to do this every day. Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team Comments are closed.
May 2024