Zoom usage & guidelines
What is zoom and how do I use it?
Zoom is an online video conferencing system. You will need to have your own Zoom account to have access to this meeting. You can get a free user account here: https://zoom.us/signup
If you are already using Zoom, please make sure your version of Zoom is the latest updated version.
If you are already using Zoom, please make sure your version of Zoom is the latest updated version.
Zoom guidelines
Every participant needs to log on to Zoom with their own device (unless you’re joining with your spouse, more details in the following slides), and their own registered Zoom account. Even with the Zoom meeting codes, you will only be able to join the session if you use a Zoom account associated with the email you provide when you register.
When you sign in, please make sure your display name follows this pattern: Full Name - 1st Language. For example: Loren Cunningham - English. You can change your display name when you login to the meeting,
We will only be able to admit people to the meeting whose name is recognizable and matches our registration list. If your display name says “iPhone/Windows/A10” etc. you will not be admitted until we can identify you.
Please ensure you come in on time as we have a limited capacity of 1000 accounts per meeting.
When you sign in, please make sure your display name follows this pattern: Full Name - 1st Language. For example: Loren Cunningham - English. You can change your display name when you login to the meeting,
We will only be able to admit people to the meeting whose name is recognizable and matches our registration list. If your display name says “iPhone/Windows/A10” etc. you will not be admitted until we can identify you.
Please ensure you come in on time as we have a limited capacity of 1000 accounts per meeting.
Basic Meeting Details
Who is this meeting for?
This is a strategic meeting for leaders & elders in the Y ACTs and Y eldership circles.
We are looking for past, present and future leadership & eldership to be at the table of discussion.
We are looking for past, present and future leadership & eldership to be at the table of discussion.
How do I register?
Please go to this link: Registration Form
When is the deadline to register?
July 30th 2021 (8pm UTC+8)
Am I guaranteed a place in the meeting if I register?
No, we wish for everyone to be able to attend this meeting, however we have a 1000 accounts capacity limit for Zoom meetings. So please try and register early.
We also will be checking the registration details to ensure that only people within our organisation are attending, as we want to ensure that there are no unwanted guests from outside the family that could be a security risk as we will have family attending from security-sensitive nations.
We also will be checking the registration details to ensure that only people within our organisation are attending, as we want to ensure that there are no unwanted guests from outside the family that could be a security risk as we will have family attending from security-sensitive nations.
Do I have to pay to attend this meeting?
No, it is free. You just need to have your own Zoom account. (as mentioned in the previous page)
My spouse and I are both joining this event as we are both elders, do we both need to register?
Yes, you do. Please register individually.
Can my spouse and I use the same zoom account to join this meeting?
Yes, we recommend that you use the same account. This is to ensure that as many elders/leaders can attend this meeting and we can maximise the 1000 account capacity that Zoom has. Please fill in your spouse details accordingly in the registration form. This means that you will both be in the same breakout room for discussions.
A fellow elder in the same physical location as I am is also attending the gathering, can we join the meeting using the same zoom account?
Yes, you can. HOWEVER if you are both in different eldership circles, we recommend you use separate Zoom accounts. In both cases, please register individually. If you are sharing a Zoom account, fill in the elder’s details accordingly in the registration form. We would not recommend more than 2 people share one Zoom account, as you would be in the same breakout room and this would allow you both to have space and time to share with others.
Why do I have to say who invited me to this gathering?
This is to help us confirm your identity as a part of our ‘family’ and which eldership network you are connected to.
If I miss the meeting, will there will be a recording for me to catch up on what happened?
Yes, there will be, and it will be in the same playlist as the keynote messages. However we will only be able to record the main sessions and not the discussion times, which will be 50% of our programme.
I was not included in the 1000 accounts allowed in today's meeting although i was registered successfully, will there be a recording?
Yes, please note the answer in the question above.
Preparation before YEC 2021
Do I need to prepare anything for this meeting?
Yes, there will be at least 3 keynote messages that will be covered through the 3 days of the meeting. They will have subtitles/translations available, please ensure you watch the messages before coming into the meeting to ensure that you will have the same context to participate in our discussions together.
When & where will I have access to the keynote messages?
It will be up on the website some time in August with subtitles for different languages. If your registration was verified, you will receive an email after registration closes with a password to access the video playlist on the website.
Will this keynote messages be available after the meeting is over?
Yes, they will. We intend for these videos to be useful resources for present and future Y ACTs and Y eldership circles.
Breakout Rooms
What are breakout rooms and how do they work?
Breakout rooms are when we split up all the participants of the gathering into smaller digital meeting rooms where you can have more direct discussions with one another. This will be done automatically by the meeting host and your breakout room will be given a 1 minute countdown before the breakout room will be closed automatically and you will be back in the main meeting.
For most of the gathering, you will be assigned to the same breakout room, to help with the continuity & language of your discussions.
Each breakout room session will have a facilitator and questions to discuss.
There will be a maximum of 20 people per breakout room, so please be mindful to give everyone time to share.
For most of the gathering, you will be assigned to the same breakout room, to help with the continuity & language of your discussions.
Each breakout room session will have a facilitator and questions to discuss.
There will be a maximum of 20 people per breakout room, so please be mindful to give everyone time to share.
English is not my main language, will there be translation provided?
Yes, all the main sessions will have live translation. There will also be translation channels available. Please fill up the language that you need translation for in your registration form.
You can access these functions when you enter the meeting, by clicking on the globe icon at the bottom right of your screen that says ‘interpretation’ and choose the language channel that you need.
You can access these functions when you enter the meeting, by clicking on the globe icon at the bottom right of your screen that says ‘interpretation’ and choose the language channel that you need.